Front Cover Hold Fast

Parents and Grandparents, are you looking for quality reading material for your middle graders? Books that model moral lessons with characters who respect parents and authority entwined in tons of action and adventure to hold the reader’s attention? Why not give the three volumes of the Honch Wilson Adventures a look?

Book #3, Hold Fast, was just released and is available in print and e-book formats. Henry “Honch” Wilson with his friends, Sam and Chuck, charge courageously into danger to unearth clues and decode markers which have remained hidden around the town of Mineville since the end of the Civil War. Legend has it that the one who can correctly decipher the signs will find a treasure cached by desperate men at the war’s end.

On the quest Henry finds help from an unlikely source and discovers that people do notice how he lives and the soundness of the decisions he makes. He also encounters nefarious people who will stop at nothing to stop his progress. Will Henry survive their schemes? Is the treasure real or simply the stuff of folk lore?

Hold Fast joins Go for the Gold (#1) and Never Give Up (#2) in providing support for book clubs and reading groups through the  study questions included at the end of the texts. Spoiler alert – these questions might reveal plot details. Hold Fast fosters bedtime reading for those who read aloud to their children as part of the nightly ritual. Open this book and expect a chorus of, “One more chapter! Please?”

John W Nichols is committed to writing material that brings a positive message to middle grade readers. One young man, a member of the author’s First Reader team, gave this testimony on Hold Fast, “I really enjoyed the book. It is probably one of my favorite books that I have read.”

Follow the link to the NicholsNotes Book Shelf where you can read background on the fictional town of Mineville and take a peek at the first chapter of each book. Links to the Amazon store are provided.

Honch Wilson Adventures

Thank you for considering Hold Fast, and we look forward to having you join our reading family.