Tell me about God’s will? If only there were 3 magic steps to determine God’s will in any situation. The topic is deep with much fog swirling across the landscape as we seek answers. The fog worsens with the torrent of opinions, misguided sermons, and even plainly wrong advice erupting out there.
Take heart! Many solid scholars have tackled the topic of God’s will, and in the book, Tell Me About God’s Will, I reference some of those helpful works and share unvarnished examples from my life and my search to find God’s will. My prayer is that the words and included Scripture in Tell Me About God’s Will might encourage you and strengthen your resolve to live to please God.

Shawn and I feel that the message of this book is vital, and we want to pass it to everyone who would like a copy. Free. No charge at all. What you get by following the link is the PDF version of the book, and you are welcome to share that file with others you think may benefit from it.
May God bless you as you study!
Link to access the book – Tell Me About God’s Will

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