Author. Husband. Father. Friend. Guy.
The Author
In my youth I passed hours around campfires, spinning yarns to entertain friends. There was nothing like a spooky tale as the woods creaked and groaned in the background! The skill of the storyteller was directly proportional to the number of eight-year-olds stricken with wide-eyed insomnia.
Ah, the power of words!
I’m a normal guy, experiencing life with all it brings. I’m writing to share ideas, experiences, and lessons I’ve learned. This world seems miles wide, but so shallow. Perhaps we can grow deeper together? I hope to make readers laugh, cry, consider, evaluate, and think, “I get it.” In that moment we will be joined across time and space, and that is the marvel of words.
The Husband
My best friend makes the journey exciting. The first word across my lips the day we married was, “Wow!”, and that remains my summation after 40+ years. Shawn and I know our experiences are not unique. Others face similar challenges and, we want to tell our with openness and honesty.
Some of my messages will be simple, like the need for shared responsibilities in the home. And I will endeavor to practice what I preach, like cleaning the kitchen after she creates a culinary masterpiece.

The Father
Men can read scads of books about parenting, but nothing compares to being in the trenches. My daughters are grown, but I cherish the memories. Now I look forward to the moments when I can step into their adult lives to help with projects. No other man on earth carries the title, “Dad”, for Amanda and Michelle.

Being Dad has given me a practical education which I’m happy to share.
The Friend
I am the shy, quiet guy at the party. I avoid large crowds and noisy surroundings. I prefer to sit by the pond, and talk. My ears are open, and I’ve discovered I learn more when I’m not speaking.
The Guy
I love trees, woods, gardens, flowers, and hiking. I enjoy time in my shop creating, repairing, and discovering. I prefer vanilla ice cream, and will eat peanut butter with a spoon. I need to analyze and consider before responding. Perhaps that is what has led me to writing?
As I observe the world I realize I am just passing through.
I can’t take anything with me. I can leave impressions, memories, and kind thoughts in the hearts of others.
Laughter is great medicine, and I highly recommend it. Never grow up!

My copy of the Bible is never far away and I am what I am because of the power of that Book and the God who shared it. Much of what I write will be lessons I am learning as He shapes me.
So that’s me. You can click the link below for an in-depth interview. I’ve also included my personal writer’s mission statement.
Writing Mission Statement
Here’s the “why” of my writing. John’s Writing Mission Statement.
Need more information? Use the contact page for questions, comments, or queries.