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God Loves Sprinkles

Very near to our home sits the North Carolina State Howling Cow Dairy Education Center and Creamery. We catch the unmistakable aroma of cows as we drive through the fields to our home, and, on many mornings in the garden, the breeze treats me to the same experience. Think of inhaling a fragrant lung-full at […]

The Unknown Camellia

Unknown Camellia Feb 2024 (1)

Shawn and I were invited to accompany some extraordinary gardeners to a nursery open house where we enjoyed free access to roam the plant houses and choose our favorites. The nursery, Camellia Forest Nursery, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina is the source for all things camellia. While its sales are mostly online, the nursery holds […]

Pay Attention to the Verbs


My heart hurts for people who believe that the world just happened. Society has matured, many think, to advance beyond the need to believe in a Creator. Through science we will eventually, they posit, explain everything and master our environment while bending it to shape our will. And we can do it all without the […]

Make the Right Turn


Remember paper maps? And the challenge of folding them back into their proper form? Or those detailed book maps with their dozens of pages showing main streets, side streets and points of interest? Technology has relegated such devices to the past, I guess, though I must confess I still prefer a paper map for an […]

Wieners and White Privilege


As a child I did not grasp that we were lower middle class or that some considered us to be poor. I grew faster than my parents could replace my clothes, and no matter the style my pants were usually “high-waters.” That came in handy, though, as we rode the school bus from the “crick.” […]