Is Satan real or just an imaginary character devised to teach us about evil? Is his power for evil equal to God’s power for good? Does Satan rule in hell? If I saw him would I recognize him by the red suit, pointed tail, horns and pitch fork? Can Satan make me sin?
How would you answer these questions and upon what authority would you base your answers?
Some years ago as I taught adult level courses within an evangelical church I realized how little the average believer knows about Satan, our chief adversary. Surveys and studies by various research agencies confirmed that my observation was accurate—Satan operates in stealth mode among us and our training does not prepare us for war against his forces.
I set out to research and compile an eight week crash course, “Unmasking Our Adversary,” to cover the Bible’s major teachings on the devil. We have no other authority for educating ourselves on Satan but God’s Word. Feedback from participants in a recent iteration of the course motivated me to capture the notes in book format and make them available for others to use.

Do you want to know more about Satan’s weapons? Would principles for combating his attacks help in your spiritual walk? Where did Satan originate? Unmasking Satan, an eBook released in March 2021, provides the answers to these and other questions. The eBbook is written to facilitate individual or group study and is organized as an easy-to-read reference. Chapter titles are shown below, and discussion questions are included at the end of the eBook.
- Satan’s Reality
- Satan’s War
- Satan’s Origin
- Satan’s Strategy
- Satan’s Targets
- Satan’s Weapons
- Satan’s Limitations
- Satan’s Opposition
- Satan’s Destiny
- Satan’s Record
- Satan’s Aliases
Together we can unmask our adversary and live life from the standpoint of knowledge when it comes to this potent enemy. Thanks you for your support, and please pass this information to your Sunday School teacher, pastor, and others you know who may have an interest.
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