I knew the 1995 Nissan pickup would become a hit with the family when we brought it home in early 1996. That vehicle, one of the best we have ever owned, first demonstrated its faithful service that fall as Hurricane Fran devastated the Raleigh area. The truck, buried under a pile of tree debris that […]
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Tag: guidance
Finding Our Way – Part 2
Here’s Part 1 in case you missed it. We’re looking at Eliezer’s mission to find a bride for Isaac. We left him beside a well as he sought God’s guidance. Then Rebekah entered the scene… Had Eliezer found Isaac’s bride? Rebekah seemed a good choice, but Eliezer had more to do. Eliezer Waited for God […]
Finding our way – Part 1
We have maps and GPS devices to help us navigate our trips, but discerning our life direction can be challenging. How do we decide if the next step should be forward or backward, right or left? When do we hit the accelerator, and when should we apply the brakes? In Genesis 24, Abraham was advanced […]