Shawn and I were invited to accompany some extraordinary gardeners to a nursery open house where we enjoyed free access to roam the plant houses and choose our favorites. The nursery, Camellia Forest Nursery, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina is the source for all things camellia. While its sales are mostly online, the nursery holds […]
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Category: God
Pay Attention to the Verbs
My heart hurts for people who believe that the world just happened. Society has matured, many think, to advance beyond the need to believe in a Creator. Through science we will eventually, they posit, explain everything and master our environment while bending it to shape our will. And we can do it all without the […]
God is Responsive
Each of us must choose his God. It’s a personal decision and certainly one of grave importance. Some opt to “wait and see,” but that in itself is a choice. Others choose to mix a bit of this with a dash of that to create a god of their own making. That trend represents nothing […]
Can God Hate?
I’m been reading dusty old volumes from past and present masters on the topic of God, who He is, what He is like, and what He is about. My reading list can be found at the end of this post if you are interested. I’ve also been paying close attention as I read the Bible […]
The God of Action
The doctrinal statement of the American Humanist Association, Humanist Manifesto II (dated 1973), states: “We find insufficient evidence for belief in the existence of a supernatural; it is either meaningless or irrelevant to the question of survival and fulfillment of the human race.” Is God real? Does He have personality or is God simply a […]
The Presence of God
Granddaughter Fern arrived for an overnight visit with Grandpa and Gramma. She can reach the doorbell button now and usually takes great delight in pressing that device multiple times, but on this occasion Fern had a singular mission. She wanted Grandpa. As Gramma opened the door Fern darted across the threshold and burst into a […]