Shawn and I were invited to accompany some extraordinary gardeners to a nursery open house where we enjoyed free access to roam the plant houses and choose our favorites. The nursery, Camellia Forest Nursery, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina is the source for all things camellia. While its sales are mostly online, the nursery holds several weekend open houses where gardeners can drive a bit, pick their own plant, and save some shipping costs.
We invested time on the web before the trip to spy out a few cultivars that Shawn hoped to add to the shade gardens at Gardens of Grace. Our budget for plants is limited, and we wanted to make sure we shopped wisely. We were not prepared for the mecca of options at the nursery with so many beautiful plants beckoning, “Hug me! Squeeze me! Take me home! You won’t regret it!”
Off in a corner, near the office where one pays for purchases, I encountered a straggler, a camellia labeled “Unknown Camellia.” Poor little no-name plant! Long-time readers know that I have a soft spot for underdogs, and this little guy waited patiently while he flashed his single crimson bloom. His price tag reflected the owner’s desire to move him out of the nursery quickly. The plant seemed to be asking me, “Do you have room for one more, sir? I don’t have a fancy name like the plants in the hoop house, but I will make you proud.”
The money flew out of my billfold, and I cradled the little guy as I carried him to the car and tucked him in among his more expensive siblings. I even gave him a name on the way, Camellia “Big John.”
Do you ever feel like that unwanted plant? Unknown? Discounted in price? In the way? Facing a future in a compost pile?
I am here to let you know that the Master Gardener, the One who designed and established the first garden in a place called Eden, loves underdogs, too. You and I matter to Him. So much so that He shared this message, a summary of how involved He is in the days of our lives.
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
Psalms 139:16 NLT
I love my little plant, but that love is nothing compared to the delight God feels as He watches over my life and yours. Read it for yourself.
The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Psalms 37:23 NLT
I plan to place “Big John” in a special place in the garden where I can tend to his needs, prune him as needed, and enjoy his growth in coming seasons. And he will stand as a reminder to me that God has His eye on my every moment.
Now that’s serious gardening!
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