If money were no object and you could do any kind of job you like, what would it be? I meet people who love what they do and invest their time following their dream. I meet others who work hard at a job even though it may not be their first choice. There are bills to pay and mouths to feed so their mantra is “I owe, I owe. It’s off to work I go!” And then some are so miserable at what they do even the benefits of beans on the table are lost in the gloom.

I have a dream of writing. I know that may come as a shock to some of my former teachers who marked my work as wordy, vague, and even unclear. There is a challenge in choosing the right words to convey an idea and I have so many ideas running around my mind. I have folders with notes on some of those possible projects waiting for some future day when I seriously pursue putting the words on paper. My wife recently left a note in my lunch box:

Encouragement from Shawn

The occasion was two-fold:

1. A decision to shift my focus and give up some activities to clear room  in the schedule for writing.

2. My daughter and I published a book together. It is a humorous look at planning her wedding written from Dad’s viewpoint. Right now it is available at: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/JohnNichols

Got to go. The clock is ticking and there are words to organize.