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Ten Practical Tips for Handling Stress


If stress burned calories I’d soon be skinny again. You know you’re stressed when you start getting on your own nerves. Then there’s that ineffective verbal tranquilizer aimed at the stressed person, “Calm down!” Has someone made a difference by launching that missile your way? If so I would love to hear from you. The […]

Serving As An Ambassador


What is an ambassador? Encyclopedia Britannica ( reports that “at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, ambassadors were one of the four classes of diplomatic agents who were formally defined and recognized. Ambassadors were deemed to represent the person and dignity of the sovereign (or head of state) and were entitled to personal access to […]

Be the Best Spork You Can Be

Garden Sporks (1)

Who really wants to be the Spork at God’s table? Wouldn’t we rather jump into a silver role, or perhaps jostle for the stainless steel positions? Even reusable picnic-ware beats becoming the humble and disposable Spork. Or does it? For those who don’t know a Spork is a combination SPoon and fORK. According to Wikipedia, […]

What is your mandate?

Coveralls on Rack

Some believers try to clothe everyone with one-size-fits-all coveralls when it comes to ministry. We are supposed to talk the same, like and do the same things, feel the same burdens, and follow one narrow avenue of service which is often held up as the only acceptable path for a believer. The Apostle Paul, evangelistic […]

Load Limits

Wire Shelf

Our closets came with wire closet shelving sections mounted to angled support rods firmly fastened into sheetrock anchors. The entire system represents a challenge, like a game, where one adds items until the shelf collapses and the game ends. The home center offers handy brochures along with the shelving to explain all the options and […]