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Wieners and White Privilege


As a child I did not grasp that we were lower middle class or that some considered us to be poor. I grew faster than my parents could replace my clothes, and no matter the style my pants were usually “high-waters.” That came in handy, though, as we rode the school bus from the “crick.” […]

The One Constant

The One Constant

After I survived the monster who taught seventh grade Pre-Algebra I settled down to enjoy math. I found comfort in the single answer problems, more so than in the “who knows what the teacher likes” uncertainty of essays, reports, and projects in other classes. One had to follow a process in working math problems, and […]

Christmas Fault Tolerance

Christmas Fault Tolerance

The holiday season gives rise to differing levels of emotions from one person to the next. Some cannot get enough. Others hunker down and pray for January’s relief. And there are a few who celebrate the birth of Christ without being shipwrecked by the siren call of the merchants. Christmas brings social gatherings with friends, […]

Measuring Wireless Carrier Coverage

Measuring Wireless Carrier Coverage

I snipped my landline and converted to a smartphone. I know what my daughters thought of this momentous occasion. The smartphone features rock. The apps offer options for productivity enhancements I never imagined like voice typing. And the instant pictures and video clips of my Granddaughter make me wonder why I waited so long. I […]

Embracing the New

Embracing the New

The word new often implies change, and change can be a bitter pill to swallow especially when one is mired in routine. We’ve had a landline in every place we’ve lived since Shawn and I got together in 1981. I’ve never lost my landline phone. Or dropped it in the toilet. Those laptop-sized devices occupied […]

The Power of Glue

The Power of Glue

Have you stopped by the glue rack in the local home center and marveled at the selection? Most of us discovered the power of glue in elementary school. My kids enjoyed glue sticks that traveled well in backpacks, extended for use, then retracted with no mess. I grew up with paste in a plastic pot. […]