What are you afraid of cover

As an engineer I have seen time and money invested in stop-gap solutions that never addressed root cause of the problem. Unfortunately the same “quick-fix” process is often applied in the Christian walk. Dr. David Jeremiah’s book, What Are You Afraid Of?, identifies various sources of fear, a common malady among Christians.

We call fear by various names – “fear, worry, anxiety, intimidation, unsettledness, dread, unease, alarm, distress, apprehensiveness” – but Dr. Jeremiah asks penetrating questions to help us remove the labels and get to the root of our problem. “What is stealing your joy and destroying your hope? What is robbing you of sleep, night after night? What keeps you from living by faith and being a risk taker? What keeps you from giving your life wholly to a loving God who wants nothing but the best for you?” (Page xi)

Once we have identified the areas in our life where fear is master, we are ready for solutions and Dr. Jeremiah has done a masterful job addressing 10 specific fears. He provides good examples coupled with Scriptural answers for combating the particular fear. His writing style is easy to follow, and I found the layout of the book to be logical. With the titles he has chosen for the chapters, this will become a ready reference source.

Church librarians and those who provide Christian counseling services may find the book worthy of adding to the collection. Fearful believers in a need of a practical word of encouragement will also want to consider this book. Click the book cover above to reach Tyndale’s ordering page

Note – Tyndale House Publishers provided a complimentary copy of the book to facilitate this review.