I have loved the Bible since I first heard about the Israelites and others who have their stories recorded on the sacred pages. Godly mentors in Sunday School and other venues explained the history and concepts then gave insight into the lessons woven through the accounts. Overarching the sixty-six books, 1,189 chapters and 31,102 verses is God with His impeccable character, His righteous expectations, and His miraculous provision. I came to realize that the Bible was a book like no other. The Bible is God’s Word. With many worn and well-marked copies behind me I realize I have not yet scratched the surface of the content waiting for me in the Bible.

Have you discovered the Bible for yourself? The question is not, “Do you attend church?” but rather, “Do you read, study, investigate, and analyze Scripture on your own?” We share this idea that the Bible is a special book yet often we know little about its contents.

BibleBuildingBlocks is the site for inquiring souls who desire to learn more about the Bible. The focus is on Bible understanding and practical application. In the postings I want to answer questions such as, “What does this mean?” and “How can I apply the truth to my life?”

Why building blocks?

Bible knowledge functions like a stack of blocks added one atop another. We learn, understanding builds, and we grow. As we grow that learning drives a hunger to know even more. Why? So that we may become Bible information storehouses? No, not at all. We learn and grow that we may prove more useful to God in His work. We study to prepare ourselves for service.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Paul painted a picture for the Ephesian church—individual believers serving as stones, or building blocks, in a spiritual temple. The purpose is not to zoom in and glorify the blocks, but to zoom out to glorify the God whose temple it is.

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22

Who is John Nichols?

I’ve been a believer in Jesus Christ for more than fifty-five years and have over thirty years of Bible teaching experience at all age levels. I’ve discovered that every teaching opportunity becomes a learning opportunity for me. First, I cannot teach what I do not have inside, that which I have studied and prepared. Second, the questions and comments from those in the class can speak volumes to my heart. Teaching is a two-way practice.

Professionally I am a engineer (BSEE, PE, now retired), a career that occupied my days, nights, and some weekends for thirty-two years. The luster of that occupation faded as I considered the second half of life and sensed God leading me to a change. I am now writing, well, learning to write, and the BibleBuildingBlocks initiative has arisen from that work.

Today we face a decline in Bible knowledge as well as personal Bible study among evangelicals coupled with a reduction in intentional Bible-focused discipleship in many churches.

This permanent web presence offers the opportunity for me to share God’s Word with others. Rather than post solely on social media where posts can be hard to locate, the BibleBuildingBlocks site offers a stable and expanding reference collection of Bible study helps.

I will work hard to make the time you invest on this site worthwhile.

Learn more about me and my writing at the parent site NicholsNotes.

Need more information?  Use the contact page for questions, comments, or queries.