BibleBuildingBlocks is the site for inquiring souls who desire to learn more about the Bible.

Candid Characters
Some Bible characters achieved fame and others not so much. What can we learn from Uzziah’s determination to institute religious reforms or Jotham’s personal determination to order his ways before the Lord? Why did Rhoda leave Peter standing at the gate rather than invite him in? The Bible includes accounts from the lives of real people facing challenges just like those in your life and mine. We can watch their actions, hear their words, and analyze their outcomes. And we can benefit from their examples.

Transforming Tidbits
This collection of original articles offers ideas and guidance for the journey to spiritual maturity. Articles are organized alphabetically by keyword to aid the user in locating needed information.

God Is
What has God revealed about Himself? What can we know for certain about Him? How much do we really know about the God we follow and worship? Not surprisingly the more we learn the deeper will be our praise and worship.

Bible Brainwork
A collection of Bible quizzes just for fun. Enjoy and share with a friend.
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