North Carolina was closed earlier this week due to winter weather conditions. I hear the snide comments from citizens who reside up north. Go ahead, and enjoy your laugh. We can take it. In fact, we’ll repay your smirks with sound advice. Should you find yourself in our area during a winter precipitation event let us warn you that we use our snow plows and chemical treatments on the interstates and major connecting arteries only. If you’re camping in the median of one of those asphalt ribbons you have no worries. Otherwise, please heed this simple ditty:

If you slip in the driveway,
Stay off the highway.

Got it? Some folks ignore this wisdom and terminate the morning commute with their upside down and their downside up.

I stared out the window at the fresh coat of glaze and contemplated the safest way to scrape the ice from the car and do something constructive to the driveway. My tail bone reminded me of the last time I opted to navigate ice. The abrupt tumble from vertical to horizontal resulted in long-lasting pain. Splatting on the ice is a great way to fracture your AARP card, if you carry it in your wallet.

I dropped into Wile E. Coyote mode and dreamed up the Acme Deluxe Padded Butt Bumper. If my feet go whoosh at least I’ll enjoy a soft landing. Shawn choked on her tea when I strutted the runway modeling this invention.

Sure Steps on Ice (5)

There is a better solution.

Several vendors offer tire chains for shoes. These small devices offer big benefits. Mine are Yaktrax, available at Amazon (see link below).

Sure Steps on Ice (6)

Installation was easier with an unoccupied shoe. Stretching the rubber frame took less effort, and, besides, I cannot bend in the necessary contortions while my foot remains attached to my leg.

Be careful. Envision pulling a rubber band to its fullest expansion point. Now picture that rubber band loaded with metal coils slipping free from its mooring on a short but rapid flight toward your eye. The enclosed instructions warn, “The improper use or installation of Yaktrax could result in injury.”

Sure Steps on Ice (9)

Note the rug placed under the shoes. Wearing these traction aids in the house will leave permanent floor markings. And the distinctive pattern will render you unable to blame the kids or pets. Remember the doghouse is cold this time of year.

Sure Steps on Ice (10)

My chains are installed, and I’m ready to roll.

Sure Steps on Ice (4)

Can I handle steps glistening with wet ice? This was the level where I ran out of health units in a previous game of Slip and Slide. I moved cautiously and reached the sidewalk with no troubles.

Sure Steps on Ice (1)

I stomped for several minutes, completed my chores, and remained upright during the entire test. For your enjoyment here is a video of my adventure. Credit goes to Shawn for suiting up and setting her warm tea aside to venture onto the porch to operate the camera.

Video: Will he fall?

No one enjoys falling on ice, and the apprehension of such an event increases with age. Bones become brittle, and a few seconds of carelessness may result in a long recuperation. Are we as concerned about taking safe and sure steps in our spiritual walk?

David, the Psalmist, found himself surrounded by oppressors including King Saul who wanted the young man exterminated. In asking God’s help David expressed determination to honor God by walking the paths of righteousness no matter the outcome.

My steps have held fast to Your paths. My feet have not slipped.
Psalm 17:5 NASB

When the crisis passed and David had been delivered from his enemies, he praised God for the victory. God had blazed the trail so that David could walk securely.

You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping.
Psalm 18:36 NLT

What was the secret? How did God create this wide path and enable David’s sure footing?

The law of his God is in his heart; His steps do not slip.
Psalm 37:31 NASB

The Word of God makes our spiritual walk sure. When I fill my mind with its teachings spiritual slips and tumbles are less likely. I hope winter has done its worst and the Yaktrax can stay on the shelf until next year. In the meantime I’m going to focus on taking secure steps in my walk with God.

(I earn a commission with any purchases made through this link.)